Upcoming events.
Connecting to Place PL with Ruth Whelan
Bring suitable outdoor clothes to be comfortable in the bush for the conditions on the day. Light refreshments will be provided by OET.
Meet 3.45pm for a 4pm sharp start. Access via Hobart College entrance, turn left to the carparks and follow the signs to the Sustainability Learning Centre.
*Join OET as a member to access this PL for FREE - see home page to sign up and go to members only events page
Transform your Understanding and Response to Critical Incidents
The workshop will be a whole day of tailored and practical professional development in critical incident response planning for outdoor professionals.
Presenter: Dr Clare Dallat from Risk Resolve with support from NatCORR team members who are seasoned outdoor educators, and managers of risk and safety.
Location: Collegiate School Hobart
Cap of 25 participants per workshop. Maximum of 5 people from the same organisation.
Pedagogy in the Pub NORTHERN!!!
NORTHERNERS - Don’t miss this! We have a table booked for 4.45pm - 5.45pm at the Du Cane Brewery and Dining Hall.
Come along to:
Find out about what Steve Cameron is doing to support Outdoor Education Tasmania
Have some input into possible future events and professional learning for Northern Members
Find out about other benefits of joining Outdoor Education Tasmania
Debrief your busy week and have a yak with other like minded outdoor educators!
If you think you know you’ll definitely be coming please RSVP so I can book extra seats at the table by emailing Steve Cameron at: info@outdooreducationtasmania.org
If you’re not sure just turn up and I’m sure we can accommodate you!
There's usually plenty of parking around Princes Square, opposite the venue - failing that there is a public car park located just up the road at 48 Elizabeth St.
NatCORR National Outdoor Sector Weather Results Survey Webinar
How confident are we with current systems?
What Apps are used most?
What is needed?
Join NatCORR to discuss the National weather survey results.
Online Webinar - New University of Tasmania Outdoor and Environmental Education courses in 2025
Please see the link below to register to hear from Associate Professor Marcus Morse about the new outdoor and environmental education courses for 2025.
Topics outlined in the webinar include:
• Tasmania's exceptional reputation as a wilderness nature-based destination for fieldwork
• Proximity of regional locations for outstanding place-based learning,
• Excellent work integrated learning and industry employment opportunities
• Possibility of a double degree with Master of Teaching (4 years) – the only one in Australia
• The new Outdoor and Environmental Education courses will commence in Semester One 2025.
Please feel free to share through your networks,
With kindest regards,
Gregory Marshall
Manager Engagement and Partnerships
College of Arts, Law and Education
Private Bag 44
Hobart TAS 7001
T 0430 148 747
Pedagogy in the Pub - New Sydney (Tas Uni Outdoor Bachelor Course Info)
Marcus Morse, Associate Professor in Environmental, Outdoor and HPE from the University of Tasmania, will be presenting some information to us on the new Bachelor of Outdoor and Environmental Education Course at the University of Tasmania in 2025.
Come along to find out more, have a yak with your Tassie colleagues, a de-brief of your busy year and learn about what everyone’s been up to and has planned in the great outdoors. Steve Cameron will fill you in on some of the work undertaken for OET and some possible future directions. Feel free to raise anything else you see as being important in the space of Outdoor Education.
New Sydney Hotel, Chapel Room (upstairs), 4.30 - 5.30pm Thursday 6th June
TCIA Indoor Climbing Rescue Workshop Hobart College Wall
Tasmanian Climbing Instructors Association Indoor Climbing Rescue, Training, Practise and Information Session 4 - 7pm Wed 29th May
TCIA Trainers and Assessors Kim Ladiges and Dan Johnson will be facilitating this training, practise and information session. Suited to people interested in learning more about the requirements of the current Indoor Climbing Guide Qualification, or existing Climbing Instructors of all levels wishing to practise and update their rescue skills. There is some flexibility in the program depending on enrolments and interest of the group, but an opportunity will exist to have a social climb, practise rescue techniques under expert supervision, receive training on some of the rescue component of the Indoor Climbing Guide, ask the TCIA any questions you may have, and finish with a pizza on OET.
Venue: Hobart College Climbing Wall, 50 Olinda Grove Mt Nelson. Drive into Olinda Grove, turn right at the loop road near the college and drive a couple of hundred metres to the tennis courts. Park here. The building opposite the Tennis Courts is where the wall is, in the gymnasium on the ground floor.
Clothing and Equipment: Comfortable, flexible and close fitting clothing suitable for Indoor Climbing, drink bottle, any personal medications, and hair ties. You can bring your own harness, shoes, and any rescue equipment you own or would like to use so long as it is in sound condition, fit for purpose, and in date (approximately 10 years for most helmets, ropes, harnesses and slings)
Current TCIA Instructors can also log this time for currency in your TCIA logbook against Professional Learning.
Pizza provided afterwards by OET!
Wednesday 29th May 2024 4 - 7pm Hobart College Indoor Climbing Wall
Outdoor Education Australia Awards 2024
Outdoor Education Australia are seeking nominations for awards in the following categories:
Outdoor Education Practitioner
Outdoor Education Emerging Practitioner
Outdoor Education Program
Service to Outdoor Education
Outdoor Education Fellow
JOEE Outdoor Education Research Award
Paddle Tas Sea Kayak Sail Training Professional Learning with Mark Oates - Non-Member
This session is offered for anyone with an interest in learning more about sailing sea kayaks or who is simply keen to have a go at kayak sailing.
Pedagogy in the Pub
At this event we will launch the new website, new pricing structure and exciting Term 1 professional learning events, including white water kayak skills and rescues run by Paddle Tas and MTB instruction run by Rhys Ellis from Apogee.
Come along for chats, networking, gear giveaways from Moutain Creek Outdoors and free chippies.
Preachers, 5 Knopwood St, Hobart